The graphic below shows that the word “gnarly” exploded in popularity in the 1980s and beyond. This fascinating tool charts the popularity of words and phrases in published books. The growing popularity of the word gnarly is evident if you query the Google Books Ngram Viewer. I’m totally stoked for tonight’s party.” Today, the word gnarly lives on, and can bear either meaning depending upon the situation. “Did you see his arm after he ate it hard on that half-pipe? Gnarly, man.” Gradually, however, it took on a new meaning as a way to describe something good. Originally, gnarly was applied to something that was tough or a bit ragged, particularly a set of towering waves or a skateboard trick gone wrong. Gnarly is an interesting piece of 80’s slang that came from surf culture but had its meaning shift over the years. Here’s how (a bit of a rabbit hole for this Gen-Xer!) describes the etymology of gnarly: Surf the Streets, Shred the Gnar.The story of Waterborne Skateboards all started with a 20 bet from a friend and a challenge to create a mechanism that would make his skateboard ride like a surfboard. In Fast Times at Ridgemont High, the character Jeff Spicoli, played by actor (and journalist?!) Sean Penn, utters a memorable “gnarly” upon seeing a cadaver’s heart during a school field trip: 3221 South Hill Street, Los Angeles, CA, 90007, United States (310) 749-0028 email protected Hours. Long before we had shred the gnar, we had the phrase “gnarly, dude!” quarantine hobby turned side hustle custom handmade tie dye made in los angeles message us with any questions Handpainted customs, Made. Make your own 'shred the gnar snowboarding surfing rainbow pastel' from the best independent, 1 of 1 customs artists. You will even see and hear the phrase “shred the gnar gnar.” Though I cannot necessarily endorse this redundancy, it does also have its repetitious counterpart: pow pow, for powder snow. Commission 'Shred The Gnar Snowboarding Surfing Rainbow Pastel'. I mean, if you’re a stoned snowboarder at altitude, that spelling could be downright hilarious! Let’s begin at the end, with the unusual word “gnar.” Occasionally you’ll see the phrase spelled “shred the nar.” But you and I know that part of the fun of this slang term is the bizarre “gn” start to the word. But in general terms, it’s fair to say that 1980s slang and surf culture played big roles.

So what’s the origin of shred the gnar? An exhaustive search of the internet has not turned up any single person or source.

It could be a crazy black diamond run, a huge wave in the ocean, or a set of tricky features in a skate park. To shred the gnar is to excel when confronted with a challenge. Regardless of the discipline, the meaning is the same. The term has become common in a variety of sports, including skating, surfing, snowboarding, and skiing. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators.