You will need to pass through here to reach Ignitia. This area is first entered from the north by passing through the area East of Mountain Village. In Grass 046 Amphant ♦ In Brown Grass 048 Polenblom ♦ In Grass 078 Thrano ♦ In Grass & Brown Grass 146 Berawn ♦ In Grass 172 Cavel ★ In Brown Grass 190 Roohopu ★ In Grass 217 Angalo ★ In Brown Grass 205 Clobolt ★ In Brown Grass 265 Perchara ✪ In Grass & Brown Grass 277 Blizo ✹ In Grass & Brown Grass West of Ignitia.Advertisements # Nexomon Rarity Detail 015 Flexel It leads to a charred land West of Ignitia. You will come here as part of the story to find Overseer Remus. Head East out of the Mountain Village to find this high-altitude path. In Grass 054 Chirpoint ♦ In Grass 068 Silkmaid ♦ In Brown Grass 106 Ratapon ♦ In Grass 151 Browi ★ In Grass 163 Stoaic ★ In Brown Grass 250 Cheekmunk ★ In Grass 256 Fruif ✪ In Grass & Brown Grass 289 Velokitti ✹ In Grass & Brown Grass East of Mountain Village.When you exit the Mountain Passage on your way to the Mountain Village from Parum Town, you will find yourself in this Viridian-colored area west of the Village. Anywhere 094 Gemir ♦ Anywhere 124 Nightite ♦ Anywhere 136 Pincer ♦ Anywhere 214 Rafodillo ★ Anywhere 226 Magnego ★ Anywhere 271 Spink ✪ Anywhere 280 Fethra ✹ Anywhere Advertisements East Mountain Passage – West Mountain Village.The Mountain Passage is found by entering the cave at the north side of Parum’s eastern-most screen. In Grass 066 Terbite ♦ In Grass 090 Dandelloon ♦ In Grass 092 Alpoca ♦ In Grass 120 Mustino ♦ In Grass 148 Ventofawn ★ In Grass 154 Owlie ★ In Grass 169 Basten ★ In Grass 220 Sheral ★ In Grass 253 Fleecius ✪ In Grass 274 Vulazy ✹ In Grass Mountain Passage.Advertisements # Nexomon Rarity Detail 003 Hobyn Special ✹ East of Home – South of Parum TownĪs you might expect, this area is accessed by heading east from your home, and stretches on until you reach Parum Town.The rarity of each Nexomon is indicated using a symbol, the key for which is here:

On Google Chrome for Mobile, you can click the three dots in the top-right corner of the browser and then select “Find in Page” to search for what you need. Press Ctrl+F (Cmd+F on Mac) to search for the Nexomon you need if you are here looking for a specific Nexomon. You will not be able to find every single Nexomon in the wild this way, a small number of them will need to be evolved, so if you cannot find the Nexomon you are looking for, consider evolving the prior Nexomon in the evolution chain. Move around a bit and try different screens and grass patches until you find what you need. Note that each area consists of multiple “screens” and you should not just focus on one area. I have divided the game up into discernible sections based on the chronological order that you will visit each location.

In this guide, we will help you to locate all 310 Nexomon. Where to Find all Nexomon in the Original Nexomon on ConsoleĪdvertisements Welcome to our Nexomon Location Guide.